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What We do

development, customisation, production & marketing

As a partner of of various well-known retail organizations and industrial customers VFC develops, customizes, produces and markets Private Label, OEM and Branded products in household chemistry supported by innovative packaging and A to Z delivery formats.

Private Label

VFC stays at the forefront of cutting edge private label home cleaning products and detergents, both conventional and ecological.

On behalf of our customers, we develop, design, produce and market a wide variety of National Brand Equivalent (NBE) or better (NBB) products across multiple categories. Under undisputed secrecy (NDA) and in close cooperation with our customers we develop and produce OEM to quality-specific or price-specific formulations and packaging (contract manufacturing).
Our specialty is keeping pace with market trends and identifying opportunities for private label growth. We are continuously creating ways to help our customers develop, market and launch new products, or optimizing, refresh existing items. Leading brands are constantly updating packaging and formulations. It’s important for private label programs to shift with and anticipate on the market.
We operate in the headquarters with a small dedicated team in a transparent and flat organisationstructure, use short lines of decision, and with our personal proactive approach and our flexibility we daily take great efforts in making our valued customer needs, targets and success happen.
We act fairly and commercially towards our customers, suppliers and service providers.

We believe in putting together private label products and programs for retailers that fit their customers. Whether that is an environmentally preferred line, unique packaging or innovative formulations, we believe it’s important to match private label products to our customer’s goals in terms of velocity, margins and the end consumer’s preferences. Besides all conventionals, we offer a wide range of Eco Label, ECOCERT or UL EcoLogo™ certified formulations and 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles.


Our portfolio of home cleaning products and detergents in different price-quality categories are found under various labels®, like Vinesse, Castell, Oxi-Attack, Viall, etc. Performance based products at very competitive costs that are ‘best buy for best vale’, and at least meet (or exceed) the specifications and performance of similar products in the market place. We strive each product’s price-quality ratio to be a statement by itself.

Top brands

At last, VFC carries exclusively several quality brands, which have proven gained a particular leading position within a specific segment of household chemistry (innovativeness, performance, market share).

Our History

Since our humble beginnings in 2004 we, *United Factories Company, have expanded over 100 products for the European and overseas retail market; supermarkets, discount, drugstores and mass market chains.

In-Store Retail Monitoring

We provide continuous monitoring to ensure your product is priced competitively.

Copyright 2016 | VF Compagnie