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Product ingredients

Ingredients according Detergentsregulation (648/2004/EC)

On the product packaging, ‘group names’ are listed alongside the ingredients (for example: anionic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, etc.)

Here you can check information about the seperate ingredients used of our detergent products. (acc. detergent’s regulation 648/2004/EC Annex VII D.)

Just do it this way: Just type in completely all numbers underneath the barcode shown at the package, 8 or 13 digits (see sample picture), into the text field and the information will be opened automatically. The ingredients are listed in descending order of concentration, starting with the highest concentration.

EAN product search


Calamities or emergencies

In the event of calamities or urgent medical enquiries, contact your doctor.
Emergencies: call a nearest Poison-Control-Center

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