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The company VFC – V.F.Compagnie B.V. endeavors to review and update the information on its website regularly. Despite all care, data may have changed. A liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided can therefore not be assumed.

VFC – V.F.Compagnie B.V. is not liable for direct or indirect damages, including lost profits, arising out of or in connection with information provided on this website.

VFC – V.F.Compagnie B.V. reserves the right to change or amend without notice the information provided.

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Notice of liability

The company VFC – V.F.Compagnie B.V. takes no liability or guarantee for the content of websites to which our website directly or indirectly refers to. Visitors follow links to other websites and homepages at their own risk and use them in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective websites.

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Copyright 2016 | VF Compagnie